ABOUT: Compliance Monitoring
Compliance Console
The compliance console is a centralized place to view and manage your suppliers compliance related documents.
What can you do in the Compliance Console?
There are many uses for the compliance console. For example:
- View compliance related documents for each supplier
- Search for suppliers in specific
- Filter by compliance document, or status (ie. active, expired etc..)
- Create a list of suppliers you specifically manage on your My Supplier tab
- Print, Email, or Download supplier information
- Visit specific consoles from compliance console, such as the Insurance Console
- Create new request for specific forms needed by suppliers
- Utilize the vetting console to vet suppliers
- And much more…
Does the system send reminders to my suppliers for expired documents?
Not all compliance related forms have an expiration date attached, however ones that do such as Insurance forms, the system will alert your suppliers of upcoming and expired COI’s. The system will send alerts 90, 60, and 30 days prior to the COI expiring.
Other compliance related forms such as a W9 that do not have an expiration date tied to it, will receive alerts to make sure their profile information is updated and maintained.
If you have internal documents that have a yearly renewal process, we can set those parameters up so that the system alerts your suppliers to come in and update.
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