Supplier or PVendor Number
Supplier Numbers are assigned by the company to which you are registering. If you do not know your supplier or PVendor number, contact your system administrator.
If you are a Current Supplier, most likely you have been invited to register. Upon completing the registration, on some portals, your supplier number is a required field. If you by chance have forgotten or misplaced your supplier or PVendor number, you will have to notify the company that initially sent you the invitation to register.
If you are registering and the system says you have an invalid supplier number or authentication key, you will need to contact the portal owner who sent you the invitation to register. An authentication key is a private password set up for Current Suppliers to give them access to that designation portal by the portal owner. Please note: in some cases a 1 (one) can be mistaken for a lowercase L (l) or an uppercase i (I). So please use your discretion when verifying your authentication keys.
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