Supplier Diversity Certification
What is a supplier diversity certification?
A supplier diversity certification is issued when a third-party certification agency verifies, screens and validates that your business is diverse. This certification serves as proof to buyers that your business meets the inclusion program requirements, therefore increasing opportunities to get into the door that may not be available to the non-certified suppliers.
These certifications are vital when you’re trying to partner with government agencies, some of which are mandated by law to source a certain percentage of the supply needs from certified small or diverse-owned businesses.
Type of Supplier Diversity Certification
A diverse supplier is a business that is at least 51% owned and operated by an individual or group that is part of a traditionally underrepresented or underserved group. Some common classifications include:
- Small Business
- Minority-Owned Business
- Woman-Owned Business
- Veteran-Owned Business
- Disability-Owned Business
- LGBTQ-Owned Business
To learn more, please read our blog - The power of certification and why it matters.
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