I have logged in but I am having difficulty creating a new password.
Due to enhanced security measures put in place for your protection, you will be prompted to create a new password after you login for the first time.
First, you will need to enter your temporary password. Then you will need to enter your new password using the following guidelines: Your new password must contain a combination of upper case and lower case characters, numbers and symbols. You must have at least one of each and the password you create must be at least 8 characters long.
For example, your password may look like this: PASSword@024
You must follow the prescribed guidelines or the system will not allow you to save your new password.
Remember, your password must follow the guidelines below:
1. Must contain at least 8 characters
2. At least one character from each of the following four groups:
• English Upper Case Letters: examples: A,B,C,... Z
• English Lower Case Letters: examples: a, b, c, ... z
• Westernized Arabic Numerals: examples: 0, 1, 2, ... 9
• Non-alphanumeric and "special characters" (e.g. punctuation, symbols): examples: ({}[],.<>;:'"?/|\`~!@#$
During the process, you will be required to enter your existing password in order to make the change. If you have recently utilized the “Forgot Password” function, the current password will be the most recent temporary password that was sent to you via email which you have just used to login.
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