Adjust the NAICS code
Log in the portal you registered to or go to
To Update your Company's Organizational Profile
1. Locate the menu options on the left of the page. Scroll down to <Manage<Update Organizational Profile. (If you do not have this display, it means you are not identified as an Administrator for your organization and you will need to request that permission from the user who is.)
2. Click on Update Organizational Profile
3. Find the section, Classification, and update your primary and secondary NAICS codes
When updating your Enhanced Digital Certification NAICS code, please note, once you make the update to your profile, it will only update your company information. You will have to write Support (red tab on portal) to regenerate your certification.
Note: The pdf certificate issued at the time that you certified cannot be altered. But your profile will be updated via scanning QR code or entering the certificate no. to the portal's search tool.
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